A Dual Theory of Nocturnal Enuresis
In: Bladder Control and Enuresis 1973; 156-172
A follow up of speech retarded children
In: Language and Language Disorders in Childhood A Book Supplement to Journal Child Psychology and Psychiatry 1980; 97-113
A Longitudinal Study of Deprivation: Life Cycle Changes in One Generation - Implications for the Next Generation
In: Epidemiological Approaches in Child Psychiatry II 1983; 24-42
A multiple criterion screen for identifying secondary school children with psychiatric disorder: Characteristics and efficiency of screen
In: Psychological Medicine 1980: 10:265-276
A School Group Counselling Project Assessing Therapeutic qualities of Staff
In: Epidemiological Approaches in Child Psychiatry 1977, 333-352
Action research in child psychiatry
In: Trends in the Education of Children with Special Learning Needs 1975; 88-95
Anxiety in Childhood
In: Handbook of Anxiety 1988; 1
Aversive imagery: treatment in adolescents
In: Adaptive Learning Behaviour Modification with Children 1973; 167-172
Child psychiatry
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Child Psychiatry
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