Tavistock Publications Ltd, 1981
Help Starts Here: The Maladjusted Child in the Ordinary School. I. Kolvin, R.F. Garside, A.R. Nicol, A. MacMillan, F. Wolstenholme and I.M. Leitch. Pub. Tavistock Publications Ltd., 1981.
The main object of the research project described in this book was to find ways of developing mental health services in the community, particularly in ordinary schools, in an attempt to counteract the modern society's high incidence of psychological problems. Essentially, we were concerned with finding ways of identifying maladjusted children in ordinary schools and, more important, evaluating the effectiveness on them of different types of treatment, administered from within the school.
Because the developmental stage of the child is relevant to the type and nature of the problem experienced, two age groups of children were selected for the study - seven-year-old juniors (265) and eleven-year-old seniors (309), ranged over six junior and six senior schools.